Arkisto 2016

Онлайн-курсы VetCPD

Ohjattu Online-Kursseja VetCPD

CYTOVET suosittelee VetCPD Online Tutored Courses offer in-depth exploration of particular topics. Courses are online, run over a three week period, and take around 8 hours to complete – at…

WSAVA 2016

WSAVA Kongressi 2016

Dear Colleagues, It is my pleasure to invite you to join us at the 41st World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress taking place September 27-30, 2016 in Cartagena, Colombia. Few…

Конгресс ESVCP 2016 в Нанте

2016 ESVCP kongressi Nantes

Dear colleagues and friends, It is a great pleasure to welcome the 18th ESVCP congress in France, and for the first time in Nantes. Nantes is a beautiful port city,…

1st Veterinary Oncology and Clinical Pathology meeting

1 Eläinlääkärin syöpätautien ja kliinisen patologian kokous

Dear Colleagues, It is my pleasure to invite you to join us at the 1st Veterinary Oncology and Clinical Pathology Meeting – Visegrád taking place June 16-19, 2016 in Visegrád,…

40th European Congress of Cytology

40 Eurooppa-Kongressi Sytologia

Dear Colleagues and Friends. I am delighted to invite you to the 40th European Congress of Cytology, to be held in Liverpool, England, from 2-5th October 2016. The meeting, organised…