Ohjattu Online-Kursseja VetCPD

CYTOVET suosittelee VetCPD Online Tutored Courses offer in-depth exploration of particular topics.

Courses are online, run over a three week period, and take around 8 hours to complete – at your own pace and at any time during the 3 weeks. There are downloadable course notes and clinical cases to work through, plus – what makes these courses really unique – a clinical forum where questions and answers are posted and where delegates have access to the instructor for the duration of the course. This always generates some lively discussions and the idea is that no one should leave a course with any unanswered questions! At the end of the course there is a final exam plus a Certificate of Completion for your CPD records.

Some of the topics:

  • «Small Mammals / Pienet nisäkkäät» (9-29 May 2016)
  • «Management of Diabetes Mellitus / Diabeteksen hoidossa» (6-26 June 2016)
  • «Lymphoid System Cytology / Lymfaattisen Järjestelmän Sytologia» (7-27 July 2016)
  • «Thoracic Radiology / Rintakehä Radiologia» (5-25 September 2016)
  • «Skin Cytology / Iho Sytologia» (3-23 October 2016)
  • and many others.

Сomplete list of online courses VetCPD

VetCPD Online Tutored Courses

VetCPD Online Tutored Courses
